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Web600 Battery Backup
  • Web600 Battery Backup


    Uninterrupted backup power when main power fails



    The WEB600 Battery Backup is an optional rechargeable battery backup module which can provide up to 2 hours of backup time in the event of a power failure. The battery module connects to the WEB600 using a short cable included with the battery module. Simply connect the cable to the Battery Backup connector on the WEB600. The unit will charge the battery and monitor its charge level. The percent charge can be viewed on the WEB600's Summary screen.


    To receive a low battery alarm you must enable Alarm Message Delivery and configure the Alarm Schedule accordingly. You must also set a Low Alarm Limit – a value not lower than 20% is suggested. Once the battery reaches this level it has very little capacity left and will shutdown the system within a short period of time. The battery module contains circuitry to protect the battery from deep discharge damage and will disconnect the load when all of its available energy has been expended.

    SKU: FGD-W610-B
    • Currency: US Dollar - USD ($)

      The price do not include shipping charges, other taxes, and duties.

    • Product Features

      • Provides up to two hours of backup time in the event of a power failure
      • Connects to WEB600 using included cable
      • WEB600 charges battery and monitors charge level
      • Battery module contains circuitry to protect the battery from deep discharge damage
    • Tech Specs

      Backup Duration Up to two hours
    • Item Number


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